Billing solutions, tailored to you.
End-to-End Revenue Cycle Management
Outsource your entire back office.
Focused Solutions
Outsource on your own terms.
Prochant helps us with billing, follow-up, cash posting, prior auth, and eligibility verification. As a result, we can spend more time with patients.
Jami Allington, Director
Integris Medical Supply
DME Billing: 4 Tips for Smart Outsourcing
Are you considering outsourcing your DME billing functions? You’re in good company! Home-based care and pharmacy providers and DME providers increasingly see this service as a way to improve their business and bottom line. In fact, roughly 25% of providers have started outsourcing or adding specific expertise to their billing teams.
Ready to speak to a
Prochant Reimbursement Expert?
Speak to a Prochant professional today to learn more about our services and how we can help you optimize your revenue cycle management.
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